At NoRedInk we have one of the largest Elm apps in the world. It serves millions of teachers and students, and our frontend code is almost exclusively written in Elm. In this post, we will explore the structure of our codebase and the patterns that we use to stay sane. One of the most common questions I get about Elm is:
“Does it scale? And if so, how?”
I don’t think that there can ever be a comprehensive answer to that question, but I hope this post can be a useful reference to resources and techniques we’ve used to solve real-world problems, so you can dig deeper at your own leisure.
Table of contents
A wild monorepo appears
We have a glorious monorepo that contains all the services that power our
infrastructure. Our biggest service (which we affectionately call the
) is written in Rails and contains most of our Elm code:
$ cloc --include-ext=elm monolith/ui/src
Language files blank comment code
Elm 1506 49759 16535 211835
Nothing much to add here. Moving on :)
$ cloc --include-ext=elm monolith/ui/tests
Language files blank comment code
Elm 569 10275 1309 200586
As you can see, we write loads of tests. As much as the Elm compiler gives you that wonderful confidence while refactoring, we still want to make sure that our code is working as intended. We will talk more in-depth about testing later.
$ cloc --include-ext=elm monolith/ui/generated
Language files blank comment code
Elm 129 2428 1728 26399
We end up auto-generating a lot of Elm code: we do this for multiple purposes, such as automatically generating types from graphql, or ensuring that JSON payloads sent from Rails controllers match the definitions inside our Elm decoders.
$ cloc --include-ext=elm content-creation
Language files blank comment code
Elm 80 3245 1182 13941
At last, here’s a snapshot of Elm code in one of our Haskell services. I won’t spend much time describing how that works in this post, let me know if you are interested and I’ll write a follow-up. For now, let’s take a deeper look at how we integrate with Rails.
Rails conventions
Following the Rails architecture, each REST resource is managed by its dedicated controller. Here is what happens when a teacher goes to manage their classes:
- they visit the
URL in their browser - that route is managed by the
controller - that controller will fetch stuff from the database, clean it up and load a corresponding view,
That view looks like this:
- content_for :title, "Manage Classes | NoRedInk"
- content_for(:javascript) do
= javascript_include_tag "shake/Page/Teach/Classes/index.js"
= elm_mount(@elm_flags, 'teach-classes-elm')
What is that elm_mount
helper? We define it to be like this:
def elm_mount(flags, prefix = 'elm')
tag.div(id: prefix + '-flags',
class: "elm-flags",
data: {flags: flags.to_json}) +
tag.div(id: prefix + '-host')
In short, we need some conventions for the names of two DOM nodes:
- one that contains the flags that we pass from Rails to Elm: we use this to pass data to the Elm application that needs to be available on boot
- one that will contain the actual Elm app when it’s mounted
The javascript file that we include is the result of the compilation of the Elm app. We use a build system called Shake to generate all our assets. The actual entry point looks like this:
import { Elm } from "./Main.elm"
import * as NriProgram from "Nri/Program.js"
import setupReadAloud from "ReadAloud/setup.js"
NriProgram.domready(function () {
const { subscribe, send } = NriProgram.mountPorts(
setupReadAloud({ subscribe, send })
The NriProgram
that you see here is a small wrapper around common
operations that we need to perform, such as:
- passing an environment object to our apps so that we can have different settings in test, development and production
- setting up some basic analytics and reporting
- grabbing the flags and the div where the Elm app will be mounted
- giving us the ability to easily set up ports using
Another interesting bit is the convention that we use to name our Elm
modules. Since the URL is going to be /teach/classes
, the associated Elm
module is going to be Page.Teach.Classes.Main
. Here are some other
corresponds to/admin/relevant_terms
corresponds to/learn/choose_source_materials
corresponds to/preferences
corresponds to/teach/courses/:id/assignments
In total, we have over a hundred Elm apps that serve different Rails controllers. They consist of a mixture of normal Elm applications and single-page apps. By adapting the Rails motto of “convention over configuration” we’re pretty confident we can scale this approach indefinitely.
Our Elm programs
At this point, you probably won’t be surprised to learn that we use a custom wrapper as the entrypoint of our Elm programs. Here is how it looks like:
main : Nri.Program.Program Model Msg
main =
{ moduleName = "Page.Interests.Main"
, flagsDecoder = \_ -> decode
, perform = perform
, init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
Let’s compare it to Browser.element
from elm/browser
main : Browser.Program flags model msg
main =
{ init = init
, view = view
, update = update
, subscriptions = \_ -> Sub.none
As you can see, the types are slightly different and we include a couple of different fields in our version.
What are the advantages of using a custom Nri.Program
- reducing boilerplate: for example, we can automatically handle decoding failures so that we don’t have to worry about them on each individual page.
- handling generic behaviours: for example, we can automatically detect the user’s input method to make our product more accessible.
The differences don’t stop there. Let’s look at the type of the view
view : Env -> Model -> Html Msg
Here we take an additional Env
argument. This record contains information
about the current release, the logged-in user and the environment where the
code is running. For example, if we detect that we are running in test
mode, there is no need to run fancy UI animations, thus we can disable
them. This in turn makes our tests faster and less flaky. Win-win!
If you look at the record that we pass to Nri.Program.program
you will notice
an additional perform
field. Let’s look at the type signature:
perform : Env -> Effect -> Cmd Msg
This is easier to understand if we look at the type signature of update
update : Env -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect )
The curious change is that a standard update function in Elm returns a
(Model, Cmd Msg)
tuple, while ours returns (Model, Effect)
. Why is
that? Cmd Msg
is an opaque type that is meant to be passed as-is to the
Elm runtime. But in order to test that the correct side effect has been
emitted we need to be able to inspect it: so we define our own type and we
call it Effect
Then we can use the fantastic elm-program-test
library (you can find it
to test our Elm programs. Meanwhile, in our normal application, we
can use the perform
function to convert the Effect
representation of a
side effect to its Cmd Msg
Similarly, we have another custom wrapper for single-page applications called
which mostly wraps Browser.application
The general lesson here is that just because Elm provides an update
function with the shape msg -> model -> (model, Cmd msg)
your version
doesn’t need to. You might need more arguments, or different types, or
more return values. As long as you convert the result of your function to
match the API of Browser.element
you can customize your API as much as
you want.
How we write Elm files
We don’t believe in the mantra:
Prefer small files
Here is a little snapshot of some large files in our codebase:
2251 src/Page/Learn/GuidedDrafts/Main.elm
1773 src/Page/Curriculum/BrowseAndAssignLayout.elm
1725 src/Page/Teach/Classes/Page/Classes/Explore.elm
1691 src/Page/Teach/Assignment/Form/GuidedDraft/Customize.elm
1524 src/Page/Teach/Courses/PeerReviews/Progress.elm
1280 src/Page/Admin/Alignments/Main.elm
1188 src/Page/Learn/Home/Main.elm
1184 src/Page/Teach/Assignment/Form/Model.elm
1136 src/Page/Preview/PeerReview/Main.elm
As Evan Czaplicki explains in this talk, larger files in Elm are not a problem. We tend to delineate the different sections related to the model, update and view functions with comments. Then we extract functions around their data structures, rather than their perceived role.
Another point I want to emphasize is that in Elm you don’t have to get everything right from the start. Choose the simplest architecture that works. If you need to change it later, the compiler will assist you every step of the way. Specifically for this sort of mechanical changes, the chance of introducing bugs is very close to zero. If it compiles, it works.
We regularly merge refactors in the thousands of lines that don’t introduce a single regression to the product. There is really nothing to be afraid of! 🍧
Nesting the Elm Architecture
When we need to combine multiple Elm applications, we nest them under one another. So for example if we have a modal in a page with its own state and messages, we will do this:
type alias Model =
{ modal : Modal.Model
type Msg = ModalMsg Modal.Msg
update : Env -> Msg -> Model -> ( Model, Effect )
update env msg model =
case msg of
ModalMsg modalMsg ->
( newModal, modalEffect ) =
Modal.update env modalMsg model.modal
( { model | modal = newModal}
, ModalEffect modalEffect
view : Env -> Model -> Html Msg
view env model =
div []
[ Modal.view env model.modal |> ModalMsg
, span [] [ text "Hello there" ]
Let’s break this down.
We have a top-level Msg
type that describes the behaviour of the
top-level application. Its only variant is a ModalMsg Modal.Msg
wraps the message type of the modal.
When we receive a ModalMsg
we pattern match to extract the inner message
and we run it against the modal state stored in the model through
. Then we replace the modal with the updated version and do
something with the side effect.
Something else to note is that we need to use
to wrap the
function. In this way, we ensure that all the messages that are
emitted are wrapped with the ModalMsg
message constructor.
This is how we build big apps in Elm. That’s the secret sauce. By applying
this concept repeatedly you can scale your Elm apps as much as you want.
Here is the actual Msg
type of our Teach.Classes.Main
type Msg
= ChangePage Route
-- Nested TEA
| TimedAlerts Alert.Msg
| ClassesMsg Classes.Msg
| ModalMsg Modal.Msg
| EditClassMsg EditClass.Msg
-- HTTP responses
| ReceiveClasses
{ activeClasses : List Class.Class
, archivedClassCount : Int
| ReceiveArchivedClasses (WebData (List Archived.Class))
-- DOM focus
| Focus String
| Focused (Result Dom.Error ())
-- User actions
| OpenModal Modal.Kind String
| CloseModal
| SetModalKind Modal.Kind
| ModalError Http.Error
| AddStudent Modal.CreateStudentAccountsManuallyModel
| Archived Int
| Unarchived Int
| ToggleTooltip String Bool
When to nest TEA modules
If you looked at the section above and you thought “welp, that looks like a
lot of work”, I hear you. As a matter of fact, you don’t need to do the
whole nesting dance every time we want to reuse a module. In fact, most of
the UI components that we use don’t have their own state, so they don’t
need even need an update
function. Let’s look at how we use a button:
import Nri.Ui.Button.V10 as Button
view : Env -> Model -> Html Msg
view env model =
div []
[ "Edit"
[ Button.css [ Css.marginBottom (Css.px 10) ]
, Button.onClick EditAssignment
, Button.icon UiIcon.calendar
, Button.small
It seems obvious, but if there is no state, then there is no need to do extra work.
If you are curious about how we structure our UI components, you can take a gander at noredink-ui (check out the preview here). We’re always including simple examples for each UI component so that they act as the best documentation possible (component / example).
If you feel that it is too cumbersome to nest TEA applications, it may be because it just is. If you choose it as your default approach to scale Elm code, you will find yourself constantly wrapping and unwrapping messages for little or no benefit. I would recommend reaching for it as a last resort, like using a rocket launcher to plant daffodils in your garden: it works, but it’s a bit heavy-handed.
Instead you might find some abstractions which don’t require another model and another set of update messages. You can do lots with a view function that takes a config record and an extensible record:
viewSidebar :
{ onClick : msg, onClose : msg }
-> { a | sidebarItems : List SidebarItem }
-> Html msg
As mentioned above, choose the simplest solution that works. Later you can refactor and make it feel good. You can watch this talk by Richard Feldman if you want to learn more.
A good point to reiterate is that, when writing Elm, you don’t have to get everything right from the start. The compiler gives you an unprecedented level of confidence when refactoring code. So go out there and make mistakes, then fix them, then keep going.
Interacting with JavaScript
We mainly use ports to interact with JavaScript code. We have two simple rules for ports:
- All ports must return values as
. If aInt -> Cmd msg
port receives a float instead, it will cause a crash. This is one of the simplest ways to introduce runtime errors in your application. By treating all values as JSON blobs, we must decode them and deal with the eventual decoding failure. Repeat with me, ports need JSON values. - All port functions must be documented in the Elm module. We don’t want to go hunting in JavaScriptLand how a port is being used. A couple of lines explaining what the port triggers can go a long way.
In cases where ports are not enough, we use custom elements. You might want to do this for many reasons, such as reusing existing React components inside your Elm application. In our case, we have integrated rich text editing using a custom element that wraps quilljs. If you’re interested in learning more about integrating custom elements in Elm, I recommend watching this great talk by Luke Westby.
We write tests for our Elm code at four different layers:
- Unit tests: these are pure tests around data structures. Create a piece of data, run a function on it and assert some results.
- View tests: here we construct a model, pass it to the view
function and write assertions against the result using
. - Integration tests: here we load up an auto-generated JSON file
, find it here), pass it to theelm-program-test
program, interact with the elements on the page, and assert side effects. - Acceptance tests: we write these in Capybara as happy-path tests. They are extremely useful to test JavaScript interop.
I can recommend this excellent talk by Tessa Kelly if you want to learn how to write testable Elm.
Here’s a selection of tools that we use:
- elm-format, the Holy Grail of code formatters. I love repeating “garbage in, code out”. In this case, it happens to be beautifully formatted, while respecting your preference in terms of whitespace, and applying tiny cleanups of your code on the fly. What’s not to like?
- elm-css, so that our CSS is
typed. We use it so much that the
function in ourNri.Program
returns aHtml.Styled.Html msg
by default. - accessible-html, or how to ensure that accessibility is a first-class citizen in your app. I think that this library is also a great case study on how to create a light wrapper around another library.
- elm-review, a must-have addition to any Elm project. It will detect unused variables, unused variants, unused modules, and much much more. Use it!
- elm-json-decode-pipeline, another approach at writing JSON decoders. I love how easy it is to read and modify decoders written in this style.
That’s all for today, and if this sort of work interests you do check out this page. Thanks for reading 👋
My eternal gratitude to the wonderful folks that have read through the drafts of this post: @juanedi, @brianhicks, @rtfeldman, and @michaelglass.